It’s good for your garden.
Food waste that has been fermented using the All Seasons Indoor composter®; and All Seasons Bokashi™ is a nutrient-rich “compost” for your yard and garden. It’s a chemical - free solution for stronger, healthier, more beautiful plants.
It’s safe to use, reduces foul odors, and is easy on your pocketbook.
All-natural All Seasons Bokashi™ is safe to use around children and pets, and when added to your food scrapes, it controls the stinky odor normally associated with decaying food. What’s more, the All Seasons Indoor Composter Kit™ is competitively priced, and
available at online and retail stores around the world.
It helps save our planet. One backyard at a time.
Did you know that when untreated waste is sent to the landfill, it creates a harmful greenhouse gas which damages the Earth's atmosphere? However, when this same waste is composted with the All Seasons Indoor composter®; and All Seasons Bokashi™ ,the fermentation process provides an eco-friendly solution.